Painting Our Logo

This past weekend, I got a lot of help from my friends to paint the Doggedly Devoted logo on the walls of the our facility. Da Ping Luo put together this super cute video showing the work. Da is the best! Thank you so much, Sandi, Martha, and Gemma for all the painting. And thanks to Kelsey and Harlem United for letting me borrow a projector to do the tracing!...

June 20, 2012 · megan

Pet CPR and First Aid

I spent yesterday hanging out with this American Red Cross stuffed dog, learning how to do CPR and first aid for dogs and cats. We learned about how to respond immediately in any emergency to increase the chance of getting the dog to a veterinary hospital for professional treatment. We also got a good dose of how to prevent any of these emergencies from happening in the first place. Now, I’m officially Red Cross certified, and I do a pretty good paw wrap, if I do say so myself!...

June 14, 2012 · megan

Thinking Animals Lecture: The Highlights

Last Friday night I went to a presentation by the organization Thinking Animals that featured, among others, Alexandra Horowitz, author of Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell, and Know and Evan MacLean of Duke University. Dr. Horowitz and Dr. MacLean both engage in scientific research about dogs, and their findings sometimes reinforce and sometimes challenge what we “know” to be true about our dogs. My favorite part of Dr....

June 13, 2012 · megan

Play Date!

Lexie and Dweezil playing in the park. This went on for a long time, but this little clip is the only section where I held the camera steady enough to share!

June 5, 2012 · megan

More renovation photos

We are moving along at a fast pace with renovations, and it looks like the final touches will be in place for a July 1 opening (fingers crossed!). Here are some photos from May 21: the plumbers dug a hole in the concrete in the basement to install a drain, the HVAC guy has the unit installed and he says it works, and the floor people are taking the paint] the floor so that the new rubber flooring will stick nicely when they install it....

May 22, 2012 · megan